Even when you are working with well-designed strength training plan, there will be a time when your poundage in your lifts does not improve after certain period of time.
One of the reasons you have stopped improving is, with your current physical condition, the body is not capable of lifting any heavier without physical damage. In other words, your body is preventing itself from any severe damage that may be caused by lifting an object that is heavier.
Most likely there are weak links in some part of your body that is limiting the force production during your lift.
For example, last year (2017), my deadlift had plateau at 305lb in 1RM. Issue for me not able to lift heavier than 305lb was due to my upper body weakness, especially in the lat and shoulder region to keep the bar close and steady as I lift.
So along with improving my deadlift technique, I’ve also added routine to increase lat and shoulder strength to solve those weaknesses. After improving lat and shoulder strength, I was able to increase my deadlift up to 345lb in 1RM (as of Oct 2018). However, I still need more of my upper body strength if I were to lift anything heavier.
If you are struggling to lift heavier, you probably will not be able to accomplish with your current strength. You will need to keep on working on whatever lift you are working on but you should also need to identify your weak link and strengthening that area.
It may help to have your lifting partner to check your form or video record your lift so you can critique how your lifts are. If you are not sure of what to look for, pay a strength coach and have him critique for you.
It is fun getting stronger,
Kota Shimada