As much as I would like to believe that the exercise solves all of the problems that we have. Weakness, lack of energy, poor health, and obesity should all be fixed by exercising or being physically active on regular basis. However, that is not how it works. For some reason, we started to look away from foundation of our health and fitness and relying so much on exercises, supplements, medications. Although they are all important and should be utilized to enhance our health and fitness but there are three pillars that create foundation for exercise, supplements, and medications to work at it's full potential. Those are nutrition, sleep, and stress management.
Nutrition has gone severely wrong and I'm not really sure why since there are so many factors involved. Majority of it is food industry and lack of knowledge of those who teaching or coaching nutrition. There are reasons why health across the globe, not just the U.S., are suffering with metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and so forth. If you are suffering for any metabolic illnesses, drop your carbohydrate (sugar, flour, starch) until your condition is properly fixed. And if you are serious about being healthy, eat natural food sources and avoid processed food as much as possible. May be it is good to learn how to cook.
Sleep is another foundation to our health that are taken too lightly. Poor sleeping habit can age the person by decade. This also means that muscle mass, cardiovascular system, immune system, and brain functioning will all suffer due to poor sleeping habits. Start creating a habit of sleeping and waking at the same time. Sleep is a habit. Which means if you have been sleep deprived for years, it does take some time for your body to adjust back. Consuming vitamin C, magnesium, practicing box breathing, keeping the room cool (below 65F), and shutting down lights including cellphone and PC 1-2 hour of bedtime will all help to calm your mind and body to relax and sleep better. Even then, you will need to retrain your body to create a habit to improve the sleep quality.
Poor stress management is becoming a plague especially since the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Anxiety and depressions are skyrocketing and amount of medications, alcohol and drug usage to cope with those conditions are also on the rise. If you are having stress management issues, seek help. The mind that entered the situation you are in may not be able to solve the issues. Seeking help does not mean you are weak. Receiving different perspective is always helpful.
If you are not seeing results through exercise, re-evaluate your nutrition, sleep, and stress management. By the way, these four, including exercise, are not a menu where you pick and choose which is important to you. All four factors are important provided that you are looking to improve your health, strength and fitness.
Kota Shimada