Although there are conditioning programs that you should be included in your training, however, not all conditioning program is necessary for everyone. It all depends on what you are training for. Alactic system, although it is very important system, however, may included in the depends category.
Basics of Alactic System
Alactic energy system is a burst of energy that can be sustained up to 12 seconds. Powerlifting and 40-yard sprinting are some of the examples for Alactic system. Sports such as powerlifting, soccer, football, baseball, swimming, track and field, gymnastics, crossfit events, utilizes this alactic energy system within their events and required to be trained along with other energy systems (aerobic and lactic).
Training style for alactic system can be weightlifting with higher intensity but lower volume, short distance sprinting with run, swim, and bike, and can be used in sports specific training programs.
3 Key Factors To Work Your Alactic System
There are few things that you will need to keep in mind when you are applying this type of conditioning. First is intensity level of the exercise. It needs to be challenging enough that you will need to exert force that you do not normally use in you daily activity. Of course, quality of exercise must be practiced properly not only to avoid injury, but also to utilize maximum number muscle groups in each movement.
Second is recovery time. Between each set of exercise(s), you want to make sure that you are recovering so that first and last set will be performing in almost the same quality. Typical recovery time may vary from 3-5 minutes. Training this energy system is not only about training your muscular system but also you are training your nervous system as well. Same thing can be said about recovery from alactic training session. Frequency of this type of training should be no more than 1-2 days per week. For other days, you can perform other two energy system.
Third is warm up. Make sure to properly warm up before starting the program. Make sure to use the similar movement that you will be using in your training program. If you are using squat as part of your training, then you should be using squat with lower intensity level and not just walking on treadmill or rolling around with foam roller. Warm up should be designed to prepare heart rate, mobility, and muscle readiness for the program that you will be performing.
Train Your Alactic System
First choose your exercise modalities. Start off with one exercise then add as you get comfortable. Try not to add too many, maximum number should be 3 per session.
Let's use running for example.
Once you choose a modality, warm up thoroughly. For running, you should use lunges, calf raises, inverted rows with minimum intensity to warm up the muscles needed to run. Then use light running pace to elevate your heartrate for about 5-10 minutes.
Once the warm up is done, give yourself about 3-5 minutes break and let the body settle down.
Use running pace that is at least 80% of your maximum effort and perform for about 10 seconds per set. After the set is done give yourself at least 3 minutes break to make sure that the second set is same quality of effort as the first. You may repeat this work up to 10 sets or until your performance declines. You can monitor your performance level by timing your run.
Alactic System Conditioning Review
Work Duration: 9-12 sec
Rest Duration: 3-5 minutes
Total Duration: 40-50 minutes (including warm up)
Modalities: Run, Bike, Swim, Weightlift, etc.
Frequency: 1-2 days per week
Kota Shimada