Building your core strength is vital for both strength and physique. Used to be plank was the way to go and fitness enthusiast all bought in and had clients hold plank position for about 3 min. Guiness world record for plank is over 10 hours. Is it necessary for you to be hold that long to get stronger and shape up your body? Not really and let's talk about progression so you can have variation and challenge your body with different types of planks.
First stage is to be able to hold plank and side for a minute. If you have challenge doing that you should work on it. Utilize and stimulate your transverse abdominis, external and internal obliques is equally important as strengthening your middle abdomen or rectus abdominis. While you are holding plank keep your posture straight and pull your abdomen towards your spine. Just keeping the form is not good enough. Force them. Your body should start shaking in about 20 seconds if you do them right.
Second stage is moving your body while you are performing plank or side planks.
Video to the right is called Renegade Row. You are in plank position and performing a dumbbell row. Utilizing properly shaped dumbbells are recommended, however, you can control your balance by utilizing your core strength. Heavier the weight is more core strength you will need to stabilize your form.
Another example is for the side plank.
Exercise on the left is showing rotation movement while you are performing side plank. Along with stabilizing your posture, rotation and anti-rotation are very important movement for your abdomen especially for transverse abdominis and external and internal obliques.
By working on these kind of rotation movement, your back health and strength will improve as well as physique.
You can mix these exercises in your circuit training routine. Most importantly you should always look for something more challenging to do rather than keep doing the same thing.
Kota Shimada