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Manipulating Metabolism with Nutrition

Writer's picture: Kota ShimadaKota Shimada

Updated: Mar 20, 2021

We all know that what and how much we eat affects our metabolism. It is not a coincidence for someone to have poor nutrition and have sluggish metabolism. Let's start off with how metabolism work.

How Body Uses Metabolism

Metabolism is how our body utilize energy to survive. There are two ways for our body to use energy. One way is to use energy from food. When you eat food body will convert them to glucose (simple sugar) for immediate use or glycogen to store in liver and muscles. Second way is to use energy from storage called fat. Fat can be accumulated when excess glucose cannot be stored in liver or muscle as glycogen, then body will store them as fat for later use. The body fat is used after glucose and glycogen are depleted.

Glucose or glycogen is faster responding energy source. So for people who participate in sporting events like football, soccer, basketball, weightlifting, does prefer glucose or glycogen as their energy source. However, we cannot store glucose or glycogen in abundance because excess amount will be converted into fat. Because of this, many of the athletes have to condition their body to be able to use fat as energy source along with glucose and glycogen. Another way is to consume fast responding glucose like sports drink or banana in half time to replenish their glucose and glycogen. However, there is a consequence to this method, which I will cover later.

Although I am using athletes as an example, average or non-athlete individual can and should strive for attaining this capability to have more energy throughout the day.

Metabolism Hi and Low

There is a strong link between what we eat and metabolism being high and low. Metabolism are dictated by two hormones. One is insulin and another is glucagon. They are both secreted by same organ called pancreas but has complete opposite characteristics. Insulin has primary job of storing energy. Because of that, while the insulin level is elevated our metabolism will be lower. Glucagon on the other hand has job of spending or wasting. Therefore, while the glucagon level is elevated our metabolism will be higher.

So when someone says "my metabolism is so low" what may be happening to their body is the insulin level is consistently high and may possibly have a condition called insulin resistance which will lower the metabolism. This can happen in three ways.

  • One is they are consuming carbohydrate rich food source on frequent basis to the point the body does not have any resting period for the insulin level to drop down.

  • Second is they are not physical active that muscle mass and/or strength has been minimized. Muscle has more mitochondria compared with fat cells. So more muscle mass we have our body can handle more insulin. However, when our body loses muscle mass, it is easier for us to become insulin resistance.

  • Third is lack of sleep. According to the studies, we know that less than 6 hours of sleep can affect our hormonal profile that can lead to obesity, diabetes, dementia, depression, anxiety and so on. Which also means our metabolism can be sluggish.

Before moving into nutrition portion, I want to share some of the experience that I've witnessed. I used to conduct assessment called Resting Metabolic Assessment. Resting Metabolic Assessment is to determine how much energy (in calories) the body uses at rest. To perform this assessment there are several protocols that has to be met. Some of the major ones are 10 hour fasting and no caffeine or alcohol 12 hours prior to the assessment.

Whether participants followed the protocols or not can be determined by their results. From experience people who has followed the protocols tend to have higher resting metabolic rate compared with when they have eaten or consumed calories prior to their assessment.

So let's come to how metabolism is influenced by nutrition.

Metabolism and Nutrition

Nutrition usually is discussed in terms of macro-nutrients, protein, carbohydrate, fat and calories. Although these things are important, however, nutrition is more than that. Things that are not regularly discussed is micro-nutrients which involves vitamins and minerals. Reason why it is not discussed frequently is it is difficult to monitor and not easy for average people to understand and explain.

Through science we know that certain minerals such as magnesium, chromium and zinc plays very important role in metabolic reaction and hormone balance that need to be happening in our body. Salt or sodium play significantly important role of binding with those minerals and deliver to where they are needed. It is not very surprise to hear that more than 60% of U.S. adults are suffering from mineral deficiency and over 40% are obese and over 70% are overweight.

We also know that people are not getting adequate amount of vegetables. Just by thinking about the benefit of dietary fiber is enough to want to consume more vegetables. Unfortunately, even consuming natural food sources, there are some contaminants. However, fiber can help bind with those contaminants and get them out from your body.

It is vital to be consuming mainly natural food sources and thinking in terms of adequate amount of nutrients rather than adequate amount of calories. Majority of people already have at least 10% of body fat stored. That is more than enough (over 60,000 calories at 150lb) calories. All we actually need is nutrients to speed up the process of metabolizing fat for energy, which will help elevate our metabolism. By consuming junk food or carbohydrate rich food will only add more energy availability to the body and may become difficult to tap into fat energy.

So going back to the typical energy recovery for athletes with sports and energy drinks or fast reacting carbohydrate such as banana. They do help but the consequence is you are increasing your insulin level and if you are not conditioned to do so, you can have metabolic issues such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and also digestive issues. This will all lead to slowing down the metabolism.

Metabolism and Meal Frequency

Food consumption frequency will also play important role. On average, U.S. population consume 6 times a day including meal and snacking. We do hear nutrition suggestion to eat small meal frequently. Well, it may not work because you are raising your insulin level every single time you eat. The poor pancreas is bombarded with producing insulin throughout the day with no rest in between meals. The body is also being hammered with constant release of insulin and eventually the body cannot handle anymore and start to resist.

Do you remember what will happen to your metabolism when the insulin level is high? Yes metabolism will be lower. Worst thing about eating frequently along with calorie restriction is not only your metabolism become slower you are conditioning your body to be hungry more frequently.

Metabolism and Calorie Restriction

How about calorie restriction? We do hear if you want to lose weight you should cut your calorie intake down to 1500-1200 calories or even sometimes lower. Initially, you may see some weight loss. However, you will also start realizing that your energy level is gradually getting lower.


By lowering your caloric intake, the body will eventually adjust it's caloric output or activity level to what energy you are brining into the body. It's like thermostats. Lets say that you have set your room temperature to 70F. When the temperature goes up to 75F, the cooling system kicks in to bring the room temperature down to 70F. When the temperature drops down to 65F, heating system kicks in to raise the room temperature.

Similar things will happen to our body. The body will act according to what energy is available. If the body is only conditioned to use food energy, which most people are, calorie restriction can have negative effect. Because the body is only receiving 1200-1500 calories, body now will adjust to make sure you are not exceeding your energy usage. Remember, brain and heart does require energy and body want to save enough energy for them as well. Also remember that body is not stupid and we need to play according to it's system.

Ways to Boost Our Metabolism With Nutrition

So for fat or weight loss, ideal nutritional strategy is keeping the calorie what is necessary for the body. Keep in mind that more than calories, what is more important is micro-nutrients, therefore you will want to consume more of natural food sources rather than pre-made or overly processed food because they don't have any nutrients.

When you start eating natural food and less processed food, you will get full faster than when you are eating junk food, when compared at same calories. Initially, though, satiation response may be sluggish so may need to work on eating slow.

Utilize low carbohydrate diet (ex: keto, vegan, paleo, etc.) and intermittent fasting to manage insulin level and allow the body to use body fat as fuel. While the insulin level is low, glucagon will be dominant.

Now here is something you will need to think about. If you are consuming carbohydrate heavy meals, what would body primarily use as energy? Carbohydrate or glucose. If you want your body to use fat as energy source, what should you be consuming more of? Fat! It's actually that simple. I'm not talking about any fat like chips and cookies but using healthy fat like whole milk, nuts, olive oil, avocado oil, pasteurized butter and so on to your cooking and meal. Having olive oil and vinegar with sprinkle of walnuts to your salad would be perfect. If you are meat eater like myself you can coat your meat with olive oil for 10-15 min and quality of fat in those meat will be better. If you are lowering carb and lowering fat at same time, you will be miserable for not having enough energy source.

For intermittent fasting, start with eating 3 meals a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is not the typical intermittent fasting, however, it is very good habit to start. Even with 3 meals a day (snack included), the body will have time to digest and lower the insulin level. This will also help you practice to choose more nutrient dense food sources because you've got only 3 time a day to eat.

By practicing the information shared above, the body will learn to use fat as energy source and able to be more active and as results metabolism will be higher.

Regaining higher metabolism may take some time and definitely not going to be overnight. So do not rush but stay consistent.

Kota Shimada

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