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How To Squat Deep 3 ~Improve The Hip Mobility and Strength~

Writer's picture: Kota ShimadaKota Shimada

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

"Stretch more!" says the trainer without finding the cause of the hip tightness. "Use the massage gun to massage the hip tightness!". Massage gun is great tool but it will not solve the mobility problem. Just like anything else, when something is not working in the way you'd like, it is best to investigate the cause of the issue rather than jumping into a conclusion and finding the quick fix.

In deep squat, along with ankle and knee mobility and strength, hip has to be mobile and strong as well. Why our hips get tight and weak in the first place? Most people, especially in the U.S. people sit in the chair too long and need to use car for everywhere we go that the muscles get tight in seated position and not being used. Because while you are sitting, the gluteus muscles are inactive they get weaker. People with lower back pain is often being advised to sit or lay down, which is the worst treatment to give, for weakness and tightness of hip muscles, sitting and laying are the factors that lead to the lower back the pain. The first thing you want to do to eliminate hip tightness is to walk with longer stride and avoid long duration (2+hr) of sitting as much as possible.

Hip is complexed area. There are 17 named muscles in the hip where muscles are attached to lumbar region of the spine to the leg, sacrum region to hip bone, and thigh bone to pelvic bone. While sitting, all of these 17 muscles gets either tight, weak, or both and this is one of the reason why people have difficult time squatting deep.

Weakness of the hip is commonly coming from lack of usage as mentioned before. Even if you are taking more than 10,000 steps per day, you may not be fully utilizing your hip muscles because your stride of walking is short due to the tightness. In a way, hip tightness and weakness is synonymous. Hip is weak because it is tight and not able to use them properly.

Here are several exercises that can stretch and mobilize the tight hip and activation of those muscles so you can use them again. Lets start with hip mobilization.

3 Hip Stretching Exercises

First stretching exercise is couch stretch. This will help stretch out your hip flexor muscles in the back leg. Reason why it is called couch stretch is because it can be performed using the couch. However, not everybody can get their leg up on the couch as you see in the video. What I suggest you to do is use couch cushion instead of couch itself. This will elevate your foot in the back but not as high as couch. You can gradually work your way up by adding cushions. Spend about 60 seconds on each side. Like in the video it is good to have proper padding under the knee for comfort.

Second stretching exercise is hip stretch. Very simple stretch that can be performed while answering text or email. All you need to do is laying on your back and get one foot on the wall with knee flexed. Then place the other foot over the thigh. If you feel like the stretch is severe, you can move away from the wall and when you feel like you want more stretch you can get closer to the wall. Spend 60 seconds on each side.

Third stretching exercise is groin stretch. Some of you may be able to do this on the floor but for me I like doing this against a wall. You can also answer text or email while working on this like the second stretch. Get your hip against the wall with legs straight. Then open both legs to the side as far as you can go without too much stretch. Spend 60 seconds in this position. If you feel like the hip is cramping, your legs are out too far.

3 Hip Activation Exercise

First activation exercise for the hip is lateral banded walk. This exercise has been popular especially for those who wants to improve their glutes strengthening or activation. All you need is band to set above the knees and walk side ways. You may set them below the knees but it will get more challenging. Key point is to make sure the knees are not internally rotated. When the internal rotation is happening, then glutes are not being used. Also to make the exercise more efficient keep the distance of the legs about hip apart at all time. You can start with 20 yards per set on each side or 30 second back and forth like in video for 2-3 sets.

Second activation exercise for the hip is isometric low squat. Most challenging portion of squat is ascending or getting back up phase. To learn how to activate or use the muscles that are responsible for getting back up, isometric low squat can be useful. Exercise is simple. All you need is get down in lower squat where hip and knees are about the same level or slightly above and hold the position. It is simple but not easy. Start off with 20 seconds hold and work up to 60 seconds. Tip is to keep the loading towards the toe and push the feet apart as if you are trying to spread the floor open. Combined with the first exercise you should be able to feel more hip engagement as well as quad engagement.

Third activation exercise for the hip is the assisted squat. To improve hip movement pattern for squat it is best to practice the actual movement but in regressed format. Video shows squat with holding on to the ring, however, you may hold anything that would help you get back up. Focus on opening your hip as you descend rather than just flexing knees. Keeping the upper body upright can also help you focus more on the hip instead of the quads. Because it is a squat, knees and ankle will also get involve. Initially, if you cannot go down low enough that is ok. Make sure to move the hip towards the heel not to the back. Work with 15-20 reps without any joint tension or pain.

Selection of strengthening exercises in this article are focused on both mobility and strength that is related to improving squat performance. There are more exercises that can provide similar benefit, however, can be challenge to perform properly, when there is tightness and weakness. Three exercises shared on this article are all necessary movements in our daily life as well. Both mobility and strength exercises should accompany by 24 hour rest for proper recovery.

Kota Shimada

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