There is no doubt that you workout for a certain goal(s) in mind, whether it is improving your strength, looking great in front of the mirror, enhancing sports performance or recovering from your injury. Having a goal in mind is very important and without it you will most likely not continue on. This is not just for exercise but also in your life.
Why do I play soccer and workout? Because I love soccer and workout makes me improve my performance, which makes me happy.
Whatever your goal or desire may be, you need to understand that everything you do should have purpose, which leads to accomplishing your goal.
Let's take running fast for example. From my training experience, lifting heavy plays important role in running velocity. For me, more I get close to squatting double my body weight, I have a leg and core strength to sustain the velocity that I won't to generate while running.
However, just squatting for strength does not allow you to run faster. In order for you to run faster you need to work on acceleration and also your actual running skills.
So the sample leg day workout may look like this:
A1 Squat 3-5 reps
A2 3 Steps Vertical Jump 3 reps
A3 Single Leg RDL 8 reps
repeat for 3-5 sets
B1 Prawler sprint 10 yards
B2 Back Step Sprints 10 yards
repeat for 4-6 sets
Here is an explanation of the workout deign.
A sequence is my contrast workout to strength my legs with squats and vertical jump to work on generating power. Single leg RDL is to work on antagonist muscles, or muscle that are working opposite from muscles used in squats. Repetition counts on A1 and A2 is low because of amount of weight you are lifting. Usually anywhere between 80-90%
of 1 RM for squat then body weight or with weighted vest for vertical jump. Purpose for this is to use the same effort you put in in A1 to A2 which should feel a lot lighter.
B sequence is more towards actual running. Prawler sprint is more like squat work in A sequence where you are working on strength aspects. When performing prawler sprint you need to performing sprints. Meaning your heels should not be contacting the floor with back and head in neutral position. Back step sprint is a great exercise to teach you acceleration. When back stepping heels of your both feet should not be in contact with the ground. Here what you are really working on is how to accelerate from 0-100% effort with just a back stepping.
So if your purpose in working out is same as mine, then you can start with something simliar to the example above. However, this may not work for bodybuilding or figure purpose. Obviously not for recovering from injury.
Every purpose has different plan. Majority of times not understanding the proper planning for your purpose is what makes you feel not want to continue. Will I give the above workout plan to all of my client? Absolutely not!! Because the purpose is different from one person to another.
My question to you is this. What is your purpose in working out? If you don't know how to answer this, ask yourself what would you like to accomplish in next 3-6 month. Do you want to lose weight? Stronger? Look and feel better?
Once you can answer that then come up with a plan. How are you going to accomplish your purpose? Or better yet, how are you going to start? Is the plan you currently have, designed for your goals and purpose or are you not sure?
Before you move on with plan that you currently have, spend sometime and think about it, especially if you are planning things on your own.
Kota Shimada