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Get your priority straight!

Writer's picture: Kota ShimadaKota Shimada

When you are doing something that you love, you do not need to be disciplined because you can accept challenge as part of the process of accomplishing what you love.

When it comes to weight or fat loss, many of the excuses that I hear from those who have not been successful in it is "I was not disciplined enough".

I also have had number of prospects came up to me and said, "I've lost xx lb with xx diet but gained everything back and I think my metabolism is screwed up".

Not seeing results or saw results but not being able to maintain has nothing to do with your metabolism, diet (to a certain extent), or discipline. It all boils down to weight loss or being fit was not your priority at that time. It is like winning a 100 million dollar in lottery and became broke after 2 years.

Does diet work? Sure it does!

Do you really don't know why you've gained those weight back?

Do you really not know why you are not losing weight?

Reason why your weight bounced back is because of laziness and didn't follow the calorie amount you were supposed to be eating and have stopped exercising because you've got "busy". Yes, it is partially the trainer's fault for not guiding when you were exiting out of the diet program. However, you should also be learning and asking questions about what you need to do once the plan is over. If you were thinking of just going back to your old eating and non-exercise habit, here is a news for you, the weight you lost will bounce back because that is how you gained to begin with.

Reason why you are not seeing result is you are not sticking to the plan. Have you done at least 180 minutes of workout or physical activity this week or found excuses not to exercise? Are you still eating those donuts, candies, muffins, sodas, and lattes that your coworkers are bringing to the office? Watching those late night TV series knowing that you need to be up early next day? Not drinking water because it is boring? Let me assure you. You will not lose weight.

Metabolism does not get messed up or screwed up because of restricted diet. Metabolism does not work that way. Metabolism adjust according to what environment you put yourself into. Reason why weight bounced back or not seeing result is because of love or addiction towards overly processed food and not wanting to exercise was stronger than the willingness to lose weight and get fit. Majority of diet and exercise plans do work if you are willing to work it.

If staying fit is not the top your priority it is ok to be unfit.

Being unfit is neither good nor bad. It is a choice. I have several friends who are classified as unfit but they are good people and very talented in their field.

Either way you choose there will be a price to pay. Choice is like a flip of the coin. When you choose one side, you automatically not choosing the other side.

If you choose to be fit, healthy, and looking for longevity, you will need to exercise at least 3 times per week, being physically active, eating healthy at least 80% of the time, improve quality of sleep and manage stress. In return, you may be stronger, have desired physique, may not need to take medications, and have better mental acuity.

If you choose to be unfit, you can eat whatever you want and whenever you want, no need to worry about sleeping 8 hours or manage your stress, you do not need to exercise, and stay focus on what you like to do without boundaries.

Consequence though may be more doctor visits, may need to take more medications, have aches and pains here and there, and may not be able to handle physically demanding tasks like traveling.

Whichever you desire is your choice and there is no right or wrong. However, if you prefer one thing over the other don't complain about consequence or task that come along with it after making that choice.

There is no discipline, just your understanding of your priority.

Kota Shimada

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