As the New Years resolution slowly dying out, some people are still having a strong desire and willingness to lose weight or losing body fat.
Ketogenic Diet or also known as low carb high fat diet has been around for over 60 years. There has been a lot of research done to understand more about low carb high fat diet.
Keto diet has been receiving both positive and negative feedback just like any other diet but time after time Keto diet has been showing its presence by changing its name to those who are interested in following this weightloss plan.
After all U.S. obesity rate is skyrocketing. From 1999 to 2016 adult obesity has increased from 30.5% to 39.6% and youth obesity from 13.9% to 18.5% (1). And researchers are predicting that by 2030 will have obesity rate of at least 44% in every state.
If you are not familar with Ketogenic diet or low carb high fat diet, it is diet consists of 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. So if you are following 2000 calorie per day diet, then you are consuming 1400 calories (200g) from fat, 500 calories (125g) from protein, and 100 calories (25g) from carbohydrates.
Although I do admit that the Keto diet is not for everyone but at the same time you can learn great deal about how nutritional habit should be like by learning.
1 Insulin Management
First thing you can learn from Keto diet is the importance of insulin management. I've written an article on how miss-managed insulin can harm your body in the past so take some time to read about it. Simply put, you need to deserve to eat carb, especially if you have excess body fat. If you are suffering from losing excess body fat, Keto diet might be a good place to start.
2. Fat is Important
Fat is essential to your diet. For long time consuming fat was the BAD thing. It will clog your arteries, raise your blood pressure and soon lead to heart attack. However, we all know now that this is not true and no research have ever found the correlation between fat consumption to possible heart issues. Now we understand that healthy fat such as omega 3 can actually improve your health.
3 Portion Control
Portion control still is the number one factor in any nutrition habits. Keto diet is pretty extreme when you look at the macro splits. However, that is not the reason why people fail with this diet. It is not properly understanding how much they should be consuming. If you have sedentary lifestyle then you need to consume fewer amount of calories compared with people who have active lifestyle.
Sedentary lifestyle does not mean you are not doing anything. I know many busy professionals who are still in the category of sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle people can be someone sitting in front of computer for 8-12 hours per day. Could be long distance truck driver driving overnight. Your portion size should be determined by the amount of physical activity your body go through during the day rather than how hard you worked that day.
It is important to understand that whether it is Keto diet, intermittent fasting, paleo diet, and many other diet, there is a purpose for why those plans are there. 3 things I have listed above is applicable to all of the successful diet plans and it is the area that people are lacking to understand or follow the most. Focus on fixing these areas as you follow the nutrition plan that you are on or you are planning on doing.
Kota Shimada
(1) “National Obesity Rates & Trends.” The State of Obesity,