Motivation has been said to be one of the most important factor in accomplishing your goals or creating good habits to work towards your goals. In other words you need to be motivated ALL the time to keep doing your good habits if you want to accomplish your goal.
I don’t know about you but that doesn’t always happen to me. For example, I love working out, I love training/coaching others and I love playing soccer. But I’m not motivated all of the time to do all that. If any of you know me, you may feel “what you? No way!!” however, this is a fact.
I have been told when I was new to the profession, 3 things that must happen in order to know what I really want to do in life and create a good habit for success.
I need to be inspired so I can create habits or know what is important to me.
I should always be motivated to repeat doing those habits that I was inspired to do.
And my favorite “experts” are always motivated.
As mentioned earlier. I love getting strong, I love training others to get stronger and I love playing soccer. I train myself 4 days per week at 5am. I train my clients about 60 hours per week starting at 6am. I play soccer every Friday evening. I love them but I’m not inspired or motivated all the time.
There are times when I would rather sleep in.
There are days I just want to relax and spend more time in other stuff like have breakfast with family.
Yes, I do consider myself “expert” in training but not always motivated to perform well.
However, my action or habits of repeating them are consistent, because I focused on what I love and created the habit to keep going.
It is hard sometimes to wake up at 4am every morning leaving family behind in bed to go workout and start training clients, but I do them. Does something inspire me to wake up that early? Sometimes yes, but most of the time, not at all. Friday night soccer supposed to be motivating and fun but not always. There are somedays I would like to stay home and spend time with family but I go because I want to improve and check on the progress of my own training. For soccer it does motivate me to go play on most occasions but there are some days that are more challenging to motivate myself to go than other days.
Point is, you should not wait until something or someone inspires you to make or take action. You make action regardless of your current situation and stick with it. That is how strong habits are created. And those habits are created because you love the outcome. I find more inspirational and motivational thing during the challenging moment or when I kept going even nobody inspires or motivate me than waiting for “The Right Time”.
How does your daily, weekly and monthly system look like? Do you have routine to stay organized? I wake up at 4am, start my own workout at 5am then start training clients at 6am until 6pm. Weekend mornings start around 6:30am. I only train 1-3 clients on those days but I do programming for my clients and organize my business. This is my routine and repeats every day, every week and every month.
Do you have ritual to get you started in the morning? For me, I go straight into shower and spend about 1-2 minutes in there get my entire body showered so my body and mind is awake. I usually have all my clothes ready the night before. At 4am, if you are not prepared, there is a higher chance of forget things or waking up the family. I even keep my alarm at vibration mode only and trained myself to wake up.
So you will not always be motivated to do things even if it is something that you love. Everybody has their days when they do not want to stick with their daily habits. However, when you finish your day on those non-motivated day, you feel more accomplished because you’ve taken charge and taken action on what is important to you.
Yes, 5am workout is not motivating but once I setup my bar, I am focused. Even when I am exhausted to train anybody, but when clients come in I give them the best training sessions. Those days when I out performed myself despite my lack of motivation, I give myself a pat on my back saying, “job well done”.
What reward would you give yourself when you win that small victory?
Enjoy your journey,
Kota Shimada